OMOTE-YA:Noh mask craftsman,Shizuo SakaneOMOTE-YA:Noh mask craftsman,Shizuo Sakane

Nohmen craftsman

The mask is given life on a stage. They should endure long use. Many masks are still used after several centuries. The best masks will remain a part of its players when they are not on stage, and are said to be alive. The contours and colors on these masks have been created by the most knowledgeable and skillful craftsmen. Conclusion Some say that the shapes of the masks represent Japanese spiritual structure. The spirit and skill of the Japanese is seen in the creation and finished product of each Noh masks.

Make a Noh mask

explain according to procedures

Ki-dori Ki-dori
Draw an outline on each side according to the paper pattern, and drop the unwanted parts along the outline.
Ara-dori Ara-dori
The rough shape of the forehead, nose, and chin are shaved off with a chisel.
Sunpo-dori Sunpo-dori (dimensioning)
Each part is measured according to the detailed paper pattern, the actual position is decided, and carving proceeds.
Shiage Shiage (finishing touches)
A chisel and a kiri are used to create a more detailed expression, and then the work is finished by removing resin and paper.
Saisiki Saisiki (colouring)
It is painted with colors and scratches to bring out the texture of the period.


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